Graduate Seminar Series

This graduate seminar series, jointly sponsored by the Cultural & Indigenous Astronomy Program and the Physical Science & Cultural Knowledge Program, will involve deep-dive into theory, practice, method, application, professional development, research, and literature.

This ensures students and researchers are versed in the tools and frameworks necessary to study the intersection of science, humanities, social science, and the arts.

About the Series

Seminars are held in-person, with a Zoom option available for those who are outside of Melbourne. It is intended for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers, but everyone is invited to attend – from undergraduate researchers to tenured faculty.

The series is hosted by Associate Professor Duane Hamacher (Physics) and Dr Gerhard Wiesenfeldt (History & Philosophy of Science), with contributions from a range of academics and scholars spanning numerous disciplines.

Times: Fortnightly on Fridays from 2-4 pm (Melbourne Time)

Location: Room 213, Old Arts Building, UniMelb Parkville Campus (unless otherwise noted).

Zoom Link: Join us via Zoom here.

Seminar Recordings: You can view video recordings of the seminars here.

DateRoom, BuildingSpeakerTopic / Video LinkReading
21 March213, Old ArtsGerhard Wiesenfeldt Pluralism in Science IPluralism in Science:
A Call to Action
04 AprilG21, Alan GilbertGerhard Wiesenfeldt Pluralism in Science IIA Plurality of Pluralisms:
Collaborative Practice in
02 May213, Old ArtsDuane HamacherPositional Astronomy IPositional Astronomy Basics
16 May213, Old ArtsDuane HamacherPositional Astronomy IIPositional Astronomy Basics
30 May213, Old ArtsLynne KellyMemory & OralityThe Memory Code
13 June213, Old ArtsTim PatstonIntegrating Indigenous
Knowledge into Education
Weaving stories of strength:
Ethically integrating Indigenous content
in Teacher education
27 June213, Old Arts
Winter Break
25 July213, Old Arts
08 Aug213, Old Arts
22 Aug213, Old ArtsTom DaviesPhilosophy of Mesopotamian AstronomyWorldmaking and Cuneiform
Antiquity (Chap 3)
05 Sept213, Old Arts
19 Sept213, Old Arts
03 Oct213, Old Arts
17 Oct213, Old Arts
31 Oct213, Old Arts
14 Nov213, Old Arts
28 Nov213, Old Arts
Summer Break